When do you see us expressing the love of children, neighbor, and
creation?Our church family’s expression of love of children is most evident by Faith Formation (church school), Youth Group, baptisms and Confirmation, and how the children are welcome to participate in worship services (Christmas pageant, Palm procession, children’s choir, etc).
I see our love of neighbor expressed in the Food Pantry, coming together to pack Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes, and hosting Abraham’s Tent.
We express our love of creation in the spring during cleanup of church grounds. I also think that the uplifting, beautiful music created by our
choir is an expression of our love of creation.Chris Corcoran
Why do I give to the church?
Because caring for others is what we do as members of a community and supporting that community is caring. We are wired to be generous. I give because it is part of my tradition. I have witnessed how my donation can change lives through Abraham’s Tent, youth and adult mission trips, education of children, food for neighbors and backpacks and holiday gifts for community families. I am reminded everyday by a refrigerator sign: God loves a cheerful giver.
Priscilla Bradford
I give to the church as my manifest commitment to love Jesus Christ, his teachings, and his church.
Jim B.