
We welcome everyone to our weekly worship services on Sunday morning at 9:30 am.  The spirit of worship is welcoming and full of the Spirit.  The service typically includes singing by the congregation and the chancel choir, prayer both unison and personal, readings from the Bible and a sermon by the Pastor.  There are opportunities to share prayer concerns and to greet those sitting around you.

The sacrament of communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and on special Christian holy days and is open to everyone present.

From time to time services are led by lay members of the Church.  There are also special services to recognized Christian holy days. 

Sunday School and Nursery Care

Welcoming children to worship and inviting them for participation are vital parts of our Church.  Sunday School begins each week following the youth sermon by our Ministry Coordinator for Children and Youth (about 20 minutes into the service).  On the first Sunday of each month, our children begin service in Sunday School and enter the Sanctuary later on to participate in the Sacrament of Communion. There is child care available for infants and toddlers from 9:15 am to 11:00 am during the 9:30 am worship service as well as during other activities throughout the year.  Our nursery care begins with a commitment that it is never too early for us to share the love of God with each other.

Music Program

The music program at our Church seeks to use various styles of sacred music to enhance the spiritual life of its members during worship.  There are several ensembles (all non-auditioned) including a chancel choir, which performs every Sunday from September through June, and two other ensembles, a children’s choir and a chime choir, which offer music in the service at special occasions. At special celebrations and particularly during the summer, members share their individual talents by providing solo and small ensemble music to enhance the experience of the church service.  All members are welcome.

Our music during a typical Sunday worship covers a variety of genres from early Renaissance music to gospel and spirituals to modern and contemporary selections.  Preludes and postludes are usually offered on the organ and piano; our chancel choir offers anthems, choral responses and psalms, as well as leads the congregation in selections from our two hymnals (the Pilgrim Hymnal and Voices United).  Special music is provided by soloists, youth musicians, guitarists and professionals on special services and supported by donations and the Guertin-Ferner Fund.

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm and before Sunday service at 8:30 am.  New members are always welcome from high school age and up.


Weddings at our Church are held on weekdays or Saturday.  We are an open and affirming church and we welcome wedding requests from all.  A wedding may be scheduled by contacting the Church Office for an appointment with the Pastor.  It is recommended that interested couples contact the Church regarding the schedules of the Pastor and the Church before finalizing their reception schedule.  The preparations for a wedding will include several appointments with the Pastor and may include consultation with the organist and the wedding coordinator as well.  Most commonly a wedding rehearsal is held in advance of the wedding day.  A schedule of wedding fees is available through the Church Office.  The sanctuary has a center aisle and seat about 150 people.  There is also space available for a wedding reception seating 100 persons.


The Church celebrates the welcoming reception of new Christians into the Christian community of faith.  Most commonly in our tradition members are baptized as infants or young children, but youth and adults may be baptized into the faith as the spirit moves.   Adult baptism offers a fresh and exciting experience for the congregation.

Baptisms may be celebrated on most Sundays each month during the worship service and can be scheduled by contacting the Church Office for an appointment with the Pastor or the Mission Team to answer questions and collect the necessary information.  We hope that those baptized in our Church will become active members; however that is not required.

Youth Group

We’re a member of OASIS Multi-Church Youth Group

The Multi-Church Youth Ministry engages Greater New Haven Youth in Christ’s liberating example, empowering them to flourish as individuals and to co-create our beloved community of faith. Through experiences both joyful and challenging, our selves, our church, and our world become transfigured as the resilient creation God envisions.

Our youth have the opportunity to join with progressive Christian youth throughout the New Haven area in fellowship and ministry. Partnering with Spring Glen Church, First Presbyterian Church, United Church on the Green, and Trinity Church on the Green, North Haven Congregational Church commits to collaborative ministry, sharing in a spirit of ecumenism and common goals. We bring with us our full social and theological affirmation of LGBTQIA+ people, immigrants, refugees, and people of all races and nationalities.

So, if you have a youth in your family (8th-12th grades for weekly events and 5th-7th grades for monthly events) and are interested in participating in youth group this year – now is your chance! 

Tres Dias

Tres Dias is a Christian ecumenical organization with the two-fold mission of bringing Christians closer to Christ and preparing leaders for local congregations.  There are more than 60 Tres Dias chapters around the world.  Each local chapter fulfills the Tres Dias mission by following a three phase program based on the Cursillo movement (full name translates to “short course in Christianity”) that began in the late 40’s in Spain.

The three day weekend seminar/retreat is built around a series of talks, most of which are given by lay persons.  In addition to the talks there is a daily communion, time for personal reflection, personal prayer and group prayer as well as singing, laughter and just plain fellowship.  Men and Women attend weekends separately, allowing for openness before the Lord and a bonding that would not otherwise be possible.