North Haven Food Pantry

The Food Pantry housed at the North Haven Congregational Church is supported by the churches in town. The pantry is open to any resident in North Haven that asks for food. We distribute food Wednesday and Friday between 10:00am and 11:00am by appointment. People are eligible to come once every 30 days to pick up 2 bags of non-perishable food.
In addition to monthly food, the churches in town distribute “Holiday Food Boxes” for Thanksgiving and Christmas. These “boxes” include a Turkey, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and all the makings for a holiday meal. We give out food to approximately 150 families each holiday.
This pantry is supported by monetary and food donations by those in the community. If you would like to make a monetary donation you can drop a check off at the church, in the mail, or use the ONLINE GIVING tab at the top of the screen. (choose Food Pantry as the fund)
If you would like to make a Food donation, below are some items that are staples of the pantry:
Canned Meals: (chili, spaghettios, stew…)
Canned Tuna/ other meats
Cans of Beans (Baked, Kidney, Black…)
Cans of Broth (Chicken/Beef)
Cans of Fruit
Canned Tomato Sauce
Jars of Peanut Butter
Jars of Jelly
Jars of Gravy (Chicken, Turkey, Beef)
Jars of Mayonnaise
Boxes of Rice
Boxes of Cake Mix/Brownie Mix
Boxes of Cereal
Boxes of Pasta
Coffee, Tea, Pamalat Milk, and Juice
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 2:30pm
Sponsored by the Churches of North Haven