Staff Directory

The Reverend Scott Morrow – Senior Pastor  –  Email Pastor

Scott Morrow grew up in Wilmington, Delaware, and Houston, Texas. In his early years he belonged to the Presbyterian Church; then, as a student at Earlham College he worshipped with the Quakers.

Heather Meachen – Organist  –  Email Organist


Jeff Hutchins – Music Director   –  Email Music Director

Jeffrey C. Hutchins is a life-long church musician in the Greater New Haven area. Jeff grew up as a choirboy at Trinity Church on the Green in New Haven and has remained active in New Haven choral music since then.

Karlee Etter – Ministry Coordinator for Children   –   Email FaithFormation for Children

 Karlee encourages all children in the congregation to grow in faith as Christian disciples. She works with other church leaders to address the needs of children so that all God’s children grow in strength and wisdom.  She regularly and intentionally communicates with parents, families, and faith formation leaders of the church, so that children have opportunities to thrive.

Julie Schweickert – Office Manager   –  Email Church Office

 As Office Manager, Julie is responsible for supporting and implementing the Vision of the church.  Julie is the first contact many people have with our church. She Coordinates  the production and mailing of the monthly newsletter, weekly tracking of the contributions to the church and producing quarterly statements, coordinates the Food Pantry including tracking donations and scheduling pick up by families in need. She coordinates the  documents necessary for Sunday Worship. She works with groups and individuals who use the building for social and community functions.


Dave Nelson – Sexton


 Ministry Leadership Board

The Ministry Leadership Board (MLB) provides guidance and oversight for the ministries, activities and property of the Church.  The MLB provides guidance, counsel and support for the Minister.  It is responsible to the Congregation and functions only within the authority granted to it by the Congregation.  The MLB consists of the Moderator, the Clerk, the Treasurer, the Financial Agent, five at-large members elected by the Congregation and the Senior Minister, ex officio.


Moderator             Sandy Carter    

Clerk                      Jim Bennett       

Treasurer              Elizabeth Anderson      

Financial Agent     Patience Benassi  

At-Large                Susan Guckert  

At-Large                Ed Collett          

At-Large                Cheryl Bogert   

At-Large                Martin Benassi  

At-Large                Kathy Harple     

Clergy                    Scott Morrow     ex officio

All the Members, Ministers to the World