The music program at our Church seeks to use various styles of sacred music to enhance the spiritual life of its members during worship. There are several ensembles (all non-auditioned) including a chancel choir, which performs every Sunday from September through June, and two other ensembles, a children’s choir and a chime choir, which offer music in the service at special occasions. At special celebrations and particularly during the summer, members share their individual talents by providing solo and small ensemble music to enhance the experience of the church service. All members are welcome.
Our music during a typical Sunday worship covers a variety of genres from early Renaissance music to gospel and spirituals to modern and contemporary selections. Preludes and postludes are usually offered on the organ and piano; our chancel choir offers anthems, choral responses and psalms, as well as leads the congregation in selections from our two hymnals (the Pilgrim Hymnal and Voices United). Special music is provided by soloists, youth musicians, guitarists and professionals on special services and supported by donations and the Guertin-Ferner Fund.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm and before Sunday service at 8:30 am. New members are always welcome from high school age and up.