Church School Registration Form

PHOTO RELEASE FORM North Haven Congregational Church 28 Church Street North Haven, CT, 06473 I do hereby grant the North Haven Congregational Church, its assigns, licensees, and legal representatives the right to take photographs of me and/or my family in connection with the church and church activities. I authorize North Haven Congregational Church, to use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree and understand that I will receive no monetary compensation for this release and I waive any claim to such. I agree to hold North Haven Congregational Church, its agents, officers, employees, and volunteers harmless from any liability, loss, expense, or claim for injury or damages arising from this content. I, am the [person] / [legal guardian of the person] named in this Authorization. I authorize or deny [as checked] photographs to be published as follows: Image In the Church Newsletter, The Window, on the Church Website,, on the Church Facebook Page, and in the Church Building. I have read and understand the above: For named under the age of 18 years or otherwise under the care of a parent, guardian, or conservator, please complete this section. I am the parent, guardian, or conservator of the above named person listed above and have the legal authority to execute the above release. I approve the foregoing and waive any rights in the premises. I have read this release and am fully familiar with its contents.